Young Investigator Award
Paid event registration
Deadline for award submissions is May 5, 2025.
Please note that in order to apply for the Young Investigator Award, researchers must submit one structured abstract of your work also detailing your role in the research projects described (as part of the Young Investigator Award application, see below the Application procedure) and one abstract submission for the oral or poster presentations.
The competition is open to researchers aged 35 or younger on 1 September 2025, or who will be within 8 years of having been awarded their PhD if a basic scientist, or still in training (Resident or Fellow) if a medical graduate. To allow for career breaks, if there has been a career gap for any reason, those years are not counted and the age and time limitations can be adjusted accordingly. The work presented by the applicant must relate to work at a university or ALS Centre in Europe, Turkey or Israel.
The ENCALS Young Investigators Award is designed to recognise the brightest and best young scientists in ALS, and is given for outstanding research. Criteria include any or all of novelty, challenge to existing ideas about ALS, results with patient benefit, and impact on our understanding of ALS.
Application procedure
To apply, please submit in one pdf file:
- a one page structured abstract of your work also detailing your role in the research projects described,
- a letter of support from your supervisor, and
- your CV (max 3 pages).
Please send this pdf file to the ENCALS office ( and copy Ammar Al-Chalabi (, chair of the ENCALS Award Committee. Applicants for the Young Investigator Award must also submit an abstract for the oral or poster presentations.
Deadline for award submissions is May 5, 2025.
All applications will be reviewed by the ENCALS Award Committee.